Family Life

How Tos


Saturday, April 12, 2014

Photos of the Farm

Hey Y'all!

I know I haven't been around the past few days and I thought you might be starting to miss me so I'm checking in from good ol' NC with some photos to let y'all know how we're doing!

We've had a great time getting up at the crack of dawn to milk the cows, churn the butter, darn the socks, and scrub our clothes on the washboards.  Its a lot of work but it sure is fun!  

Juuuust kidding, I'm sure you've figured out by nowthat its not THAT kind of farm, its just 50 lonely acres in the middle of nowhere with a farm house plopped on it.  The only livestock around here are horses (unless you wander over to one of our far off neighbors) but there is a HUGE rotating garden by the house that's sometimes chock full of plenty of food to feed a family of 4, and some years its just wild asparagus and grapes depending on how motivated my folks are in the springtime. 

Regardless of how much of a farm it is, there is still PLENTY of space for the kiddo to roam around and its the PERFECT spring vacation spot for a toddler.

After we caught up on sleep, and filled our bellies with wonderful southern cooking, we got outside for a bit with the kiddo, it was SUCH a welcome relief from the snow thats still on the ground in NH.

The boys (my Dad and Shane) immediately ventured over to the part of the property that is a "dedicated gun range," which is of course Shane's favorite party of farm.  They put together a plan to build a brand spankin' new backstop, they got some new steel target plates and all sorts of other fun goodies.

They spent the first two days building and they plan to spend the next several days shooting on it non-stop.  I'll have to see if I can't pull Shane away long enough to watch the baby so my mom and I can go into town and have a spa day (yeah right! But a girl can dream right?)

Jaylee has a new nickname around these parts, while she was running around getting into all types of trouble she found one of the many burning spots around the farm and LOVED trying to get into the cinder pile that was left over from the last burn.

We now call her CINDERella

Mum and Dad got a new toy to tool around the farm in, and Jaylee thought she was going to get to drive it...I think her legs need to get just a LITTLE longer first!

Wouldn't you know it though, just this morning Jaylee got the absolute BEST surprise, her Grand J (what she calls grandma Janet) threw a "baby brunch" in her honor where all the local toddlers came over and we had an awesome time meeting their parents and playing in the back yard behind the house.

The food was of course to DIE for, there were sticky buns, (recipe coming soon!) deviled eggs, fruit salad, breakfast casserole, and MIMOSAs but I think the company was EVEN better!

Thats all I've got to share with you for now but check back tomorrow, I hear there might be HORSE PICTURES coming soon :-) 

Okay well I lied, I do have more photos of the farm to share, and I posted them over here  :-) 

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